Saturday, 25 February 2012

Gaming - Good or Bad

I say gaming is good. Gaming - The Good and Bad By []Ailyn Koay It has always been a debate whether playing games are good for you. Since the conception of consoles, parents have been worrying about the negative effect playing computer games have on their children. How to win the argument with your parents, at least getting them to allow you to have your fun with games is easier than you think. There are many research done by the psychologist to find out the impact of playing games in people, particularly those still in school. Let us face it, once we start working, gaming time will be severely limited. There are many genres of games, and unfortunately these arguments are not valid for some games that promote violence and aggressive behaviour like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. Studies have shown that violent games do increase the tendency of aggressive behaviour in children and adult, and so those who like playing these games should limit playing time. For the average person who likes to play games, there are three good arguments. Otherwise, there are positive studies done to show that gaming does indeed help people think. Role playing games forces people to plan and think about strategies while trying to complete quests. Without proper planning: levelling up skills, upgrading weapons, and setting battle formations, it is almost impossible to win in certain quests and levels. Those who played Shadow of Colossus would remember the infuriating game, and the feeling of triumph every time a monster goes down. The games have become more intelligent as time goes by, artificial intelligence (AI) had improved so much that zombies now can run and plan a mass attack. In Resident Evil 5, the zombies are faster and now can wield weapons, instead of mindlessly shuffle towards you, showing their bloodied teeth. I still remember the terror I felt when the Executioner Manjini jumped towards me with the big axe, nails and hooks protruding on his back. Not only you have to plan the moves of your character, you have to anticipate that the enemy will be doing, which is becoming harder each year. This is true for me, at least. Gamers who play mind stimulating games: RPGs, puzzle, fitness and a lot more tend to have good reflex. It is not easy to stare at the screen looking for hidden treasures, looking at the map for potential enemies bursting through some angle, stocking up quickly before a boss fight and not develop a level of dexterity in your mind. Working people can testify to some extend, multitasking is easier for a person who plays games. I still play Dr Kawashima's Brain and Body Exercises on my Xbox Kinect to help keep the brain in sync with the rest of me. We love to play, gaming is fun and technology has enabled us to play with people around the world without leaving our room. The benefits of gaming are unfortunately not linked to the long hours that we put it. Keeping the gaming time to a reasonable level ensures that we have a real life outside of virtual reality, which is important to function as a member of a community. Ailyn Koay is a pharmacist in Adelaide, Australia. She is looking to become a writer, if you are interested in her work please contact [] Article Source: [] Gaming - The Good and Bad

Why Business Exists!! Yes everyone have this question. Check this out for the Answer

The Most Important Question To Ask ( and Answer) Every Day!

The Most Important Question To Ask ( and Answer) Every Day!
By John Drury

The Question: Why does this enterprise (organisation or business) exist?

The story is told of two labourers working at a large building site in Europe in the 18th century. One was swearing and cursing as he moved never ending amounts of dirt and material in what seemed to him to be total drudgery. The other was working hard and had a spring in his step and seemed energized by his mundane work. When asked, the first said he was doing meaningless work that he hated, while the second exclaimed, "I'm building a great Cathedral that will still be here long after I'm gone." The second man realized that he was not just doing manual labour but he was an essential part of building an amazing building that would be appreciated for generations. Understanding the BIG WHY totally changed his attitude to his labour. Interesting!

Every successful enterprise has a BIG WHY! This is also called: VISION

Vision statements should be short, easy to remember, and motivating!

Everyone in an organisation needs to know the 'BIG WHY' in clear and easy to understand terms. This is especially true for anyone expected to give leadership direction but even the volunteer on reception who answers the phone and the casual who does a menial task for a couple of hours a week should know why their contribution is important.
When people understand the 'BIG WHY' it RELEASES:

  1. Motivation - Vision motivates, whereas tasks, even noble tasks, can make people weary especially when the going gets tough.
  2. Participation - when people are secure about the boundaries of vision they find it easier to participate. In so many organisations team members hold back because leaders have not shown them how their role connects to vision.
  3. Engagement - when vision is clear the right people will be drawn to engage with your enterprise
  4. Contribution - it is amazing how much people will give if they know their efforts make a valuable contribution. This is vital for any team member, and especially for volunteers.
  5. Long-term commitment - people love, in fact crave a sense of purpose in their lives. When they believe that their work has great purpose they will always be more committed.
  6. Clear direction - plans and themes may change but consistency of vision will enable clear direction.
  7. Personal growth and change - When the vision is clear team members are more secure and more willing to realize their need to stretch and grow and accept change to move the vision forwards.
  8. Clear priorities - if we know why we are here then it is much easier to avoid wasting time on the things that are non-essential or distractions from the main direction. This in turn makes decision making much easier.
  9. Corporate significance - If an enterprise has clear vision and makes regular progress towards achieving that vision, undoubtedly there will be significant benefits for many people inside and outside the organisation
  10. Team morale - vision and all the first 9 points contribute to healthy team morale.

Among the many roles of a leader, none is more important than making vision clear, simple and motivating. This enables people to be able to ANSWER the most important question daily - for themselves and for others.

Do you and your team know the 'BIG WHY' for your organisation or business?

Your success could depend on how you answer this question.

To access more practical leadership material (articles, CD's, MP3's and E-Books) from John Drury that will assist you to develop as a leader, please check out

Article Source:!&id=6901568

People out there....Please be Healthy!!!!!!!!!!!

Fighting Cancer With Food By []Florin Balint You never know how unhealthy you are until you become really healthy. Speaking about fighting cancer with food, you probably heard that "More than a third of all cancers could be prevented by changes in diet and exercise". The truth is ALL cancer can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle, which includes diet. Do you know that there are populations for which cancer is unknown? They live more than 100 years and they don't get ill of the chronic diseases, including cancer. Their diet is mostly formed by raw foods and they eat a very small amount of meat. Many researches have proven that a vegetarian diet is the most suited, the best diet for man. In fact to be more precise, man was made to be a fruitarian. Which means eating only fruits. Anyway, fruits have more energy than vegetables. But both, fruits and vegetables, are the foundation of a diet for fighting cancer with food, the food you eat every day. I don't know if you really believe that food can have such a power, but I believe it and I proved it my own life. Thinking about the billions of dollars spent on research organisation to discover a cure for cancer, something like a pill you take it and the cancer goes away, or a pill which prevents cancer from ever forming in your body, makes me wondering: to discover what? The solution has been under our nose for hundreds of years. We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Especially if we can't do it. The growth of cancer in the last decades, in the last century, is directly connected with the change of habits in our daily diet. So, there won't be any miraculous pill to cure cancer, but there is such a solution, and that implies fighting cancer with food. Becoming a vegetarian is the best decision you could make. And not only to prevent or cure cancer. The benefits are numerous. But, if you or somebody you love has been diagnosed with cancer, the best decision you could make is to become a vegetarian. Not any kind of vegetarian, although the benefits would show in some measure even if you adopt a "classic" vegetarian style. By that I mean keeping the same style of cooking but eliminating or replacing meat and other animal foods. However the benefits will boost immensely if you adopt a raw food vegetarian lifestyle. You don't have to do it right away. The change should be gradual. And then you can keep it a level which is convenient to you for a long time trip. Don't let the thought of the difficulty of changing the diet put you off. There are very good programs that could help you do the transition in an easy and simple way, and even be fun. This way you could be fighting cancer with food, raw food, to be more precise. I would like to show you two videos presenting a stage 4 breast cancer patient who was healed following a raw food program. To watch the videos and read more about []fighting cancer with food visit the site [] Here I also recommend what I consider to be the best raw food program, which will help you make the change to a raw food lifestyle easily while having fun. Article Source: [] Fighting Cancer With Food

Money Making over Internet

How to Make an Extra $1000 Every 30 Days Like Clockwork (Doing Work You Really Love) By []Ian Ross Hollander$1000-Every-30-Days-Like-Clockwork-(Doing-Work-You-Really-Love)&id=6900345 I want to share with you what I believe is the absolute easiest way for people of PASSION to make a consistent profit online. I also believe that the biggest obstacle most of us face when it comes to trying to build a sustainable online business is that we're so predisposed to looking for shortcuts, that we totally ignore the obvious opportunities that are in front of us all along. For example? Everyone reading this has some sort of natural gift. Or an area that you excel, right? Something unique to you, that you really LOVE and that you feel passion for, that you also have some expertise as well. The niche is almost irrelevant, as long as it has some sort of universal appeal. It could be cooking. Or credit. It could be dating or diet. It could be diving.....or divorce. Once you pick your PASSION, the key is to simply to codify what you know. Organize it. I call this a "content cornerstone" but it's really just a fancy name for an outline. You put all of your niche knowledge in one place, and start creating content, very similar to this article, around the individual topics in your outline. Whenever I enter a new niche, or extend a niche I'm already in, I like to do this part of the process for 10-14 days. (and that's all I'll work on for that time period - no distractions) What will you have after 10-14 days? You'll have an outline and lots of short, informative, topical articles around something that you love. The next step is super simple....a bit "controversial" and what most people DON'T do. Instead of posting all of those articles on a brand new blog or website, I simply recommend you submit them to a highly trusted article directory and leverage their trust (and traffic) to get INSTANT attention for your articles. If your goals are very modest ($1000 a month is very modest) you can do one of two things next: Either use your articles to "re-direct" right to a high paying affiliate offer in your niche. Or - Send that traffic to a sign up form on YOUR site, and then recommend an affiliate program like above in your email sequence. (This is preferable but requires an investment of about $20 a month and adds a little bit of extra learning curve if you are brand new, but is WELL worth it) The truth is, if you spend 10-14 days a month creating content, just following the above model, and pick an affiliate program with a high EPC (average earnings per 100 visitors) you only need to make a few sales every month to earn $1000. (every market or niche has high paying EPC offers...and if you don't find any, you may want to consider a secondary passion!) The best part is that this is don't need to do a ton of follow up work once it's in place. And even better, you can do FAR better than the above if you create your OWN product, service or offer....rather than use an affiliate program to promote. (as people will eventually use the above process to promote YOUR product instead!) It's all very easy. Obviously I needed to be succinct above and keep it short, but this is pretty much the direct response marketing model I use, and hundreds (if not thousands) of others use every day as well. It works, it works fast....and NO gurus are required! Want the SECRET to earning []4 figures in ONE Day WITHOUT Tricks, Gimmicks or Guru's? Click []HERE and I'll give it to you 100% Free! Article Source: [$1000-Every-30-Days-Like-Clockwork-(Doing-Work-You-Really-Love)&id=6900345] How to Make an Extra $1000 Every 30 Days Like Clockwork (Doing Work You Really Love)

Online shopping says Why?

Online Shopping - Why?

Online Shopping - Why?
By Teri Ferreira

According to Americans spent 186 billion dollars on online shopping in 2011. In Australia in February of 2011, a study revealed that more Australians are shopping online than ever before. The trend began in 2009 when the global financial crisis forced Australian consumers to look for bargains on a wide variety of things. These shoppers discovered that the Internet was a superb place to get a good deal and even now the trend perpetuates itself. One of their largest online Internet companies, reports 1.7 million different people currently visit their site per month. Total transactions of China's Business to Consumer market reached 38.03 billion dollars in 2011, with an increase of over 13% compared to 2010. Staggering figures aren't they?

We live in an age of technological access. Shopping can even be done from the latest mobile phone - so you can shop wherever and whenever you want. Online shopping is a 24hour-a-day way to shop. Online shopping is becoming run of the mill. With today's hectic and pressurized schedules, people need a way to save time and shopping online is a way to do this. Shopping can be done once the kids are tucked into bed or once your spouse is asleep when you have those few precious moments to yourself. It is here in the privacy of your own space where you can, at your leisure, shop around, look for the best prices literally only to be gotten by the click of a button.

Shopping online does not only ooze the luxury of convenience but also has an impact on one's disposition too. Picture the end of the month. Picture getting your husband and the three kids into the car just to get to the mall in time before it gets too busy and you have to struggle for parking. Picture the traffic. Picture the din of people. The bickering when the little ones get fatigued. The endless drudging from one shop to another. And then, picture finally making it home and thanking the heavens that you'll only have to repeat this again at the end of next month.

Instead it is late on a Saturday afternoon, and you are in the middle of watching the rugby match final you've been anticipating for months. You're snuggled on your favourite couch. Then the wife reminds you that you have to go shopping. You know it's month-end and you are left with no choice but to do just that: shop. You switch on your laptop, visit several retailers online, shop for the best prices, and all this without missing even a single try. You crack open another beer and settle down to watch the rest of the game. Simple, isn't it.

Not only does online shopping hold benefits with regards to being stress free, convenient and being able to make your purchases in private, but shopping online is tailor-made by business so that consumers reap the benefits of doing so. For example the cost of retail rent per m� is almost quadruple the cost of industrial rent per m�. When a business's overheads are lower, the consumer stands to gain in the long run. This is a savings to the business that actually impacts on the pocket of its consumers. Consumers stand to save and benefit from this very reality. Travelling back and forth to the shops, wear and tear on cars also quantify as savings over the long term for the consumer.

Of the utmost importance is the effect of online shopping on our environment. Natural News states that all products have to be shipped from the warehouse where they are stored after manufacture, and it can be seen as green to cut the retail store and all the building, lighting, cooling, heating, and so forth that the store requires. According to Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, shipping two 20 pound packages by overnight-air, the most energy-intensive delivery method, still uses 40% less fuel driving 20 round-trips to the mall or store. Ground shipping, which is more efficient than overnight air, checks in at just one-tenth the energy used to drive you. That taken into account and the fact that carbon emissions would be radically less, is reason enough to take under serious consideration to start to shop online. It is in the small, well planned matters of our lives that we can create a better tomorrow for those who will follow in our footsteps.

Teri Ferreira is an accomplished linguist and writer. She is a lover and proponent of the English language. She is currently under the employ of in the portfolio of Ezine writer. She cordially invites you to visit and find yourself in a world of gizmos, gadgetry, technology and all things green. You won't know what you did without us!

Article Source:

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Awesome Anagrams which is really interesting

DORMITORY:When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM

ASTRONOMER:When you rearrange the letters:MOON STARER

PRESBYTERIAN:When you rearrange the letters:BEST IN PRAYER

DESPERATION:When you rearrange the letters:A ROPE ENDS IT

THE EYES:! When you rearrange the letters:THEY SEE

GEORGE BUSH:When you rearrange the letters:HE BUGS GORE

THE MORSE CODE :When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS

SLOT MACHINES:When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME

ANIMOSITY:When you rearrange the letters:IS NO AMITY

ELECTION RESULTS:When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET’S RECOUNT

SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters:ALAS! NO MORE Z ‘S

A DECIMAL POINT:When you rearrange the letters:IM A DOT IN PLACE

THE EARTHQUAKES:When you rearrange the letters:THAT QUEER SHAKE

ELEVEN PLUS TWO:When you rearrange the letters:TWELVE PLUS ONE

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Power of Java is Unbeatable






Wednesday, 1 February 2012


              ------------ AMAZING FACTS TO BE KNOW ------------

No Kneecaps : On birth, babies do not have kneecaps. Rather they have a structure of cartilage that resembles kneecaps. They usually don’t develop them fully until after six months. Most seen on babies who “army crawl” instead of doing it on all fours.

May Babies Are The Heaviest : One would think that January sees the heaviest babies given all the holiday eating but this is untrue. May is actually the month that sees the heaviest babies born. Usually about an average of 200 grams heavier than any other month.

They Can’t Cry : They can scream and holler for what they want or need, but newborns can’t technically cry. Tears can’t actually be created or released until about three weeks in. However, in some cases, it isn’t unusual for babies to shed their first tears until four or five months.

They Have More Bones : When babies are born, they have 300 bones. Adults have 206. Bones fuse together during growth to come up with the new number.

Birthmarks Are The Rule, Not Exception : If your newborn has a birthmark or other abnormality, this is actually normal. Around 80% of all babies are born with some form. The most common include stork bites and port wine stains.

Newborns Can Hear As Well As You : They will startle at just about anything. Not because it is louder or softer, but because it is new. Smell is also advanced at this age.

Eyesight Isn’t Much Worse, Either : According to BabyCenter, a newborn’s eyesight is just about as good as an adult’s. However, their brains aren’t able to process information as well and usually start out at about eight to 15 inches of range.

Interesting Quotes by our great leaders...cheers to them :)

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one.
- Confucius

I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.
—Wilson Mizner

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.
—Albert Einstein

Eighty percent of success is showing up.
—Woody Allen

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
—William Arthur Ward

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.
—Daniel J. Boorstin

You can never get enough of what you don’t really need.
—Eric Hoffer

Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.
—Alfred A. Montapert

If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems. And that’s a big mistake.
—Frank Wilczek

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.
—Spanish Proverb

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
—Albert Einstein

There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem.
—Harold Stephens

I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
—Bill Cosby

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
—Oscar Wilde

It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.
—Alfred Adler

Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.
—Barry LePatner

I hear: I forget / I see: I remember / I do: I understand
—Chinese Proverb

When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
—Abraham Lincoln

Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.
—Unknown Author

The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.
—Wallace Wattles

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
—Winston Churchill

Eating Just Fish Could be Mortal |

Check this out folks......interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eating Just Fish Could be Mortal |